Dow Jones Internships

Dow Jones Internships
Dow Jones Internships offer real-world work experience for college students in the areas of content research, customer service, sales, technology, human resources and more. College juniors, seniors or graduate students are encouraged to apply.

The internships occur during the summer and last about 8 weeks. Students selected for the program are those who have a grade point average of 3.0 or above and are actively involved in extracurricular activities. Previous work experience is a plus. Students must be willing to work within a fast-paced environment and have a strong interest in the news industry.

Required skills and experience will vary with each position. Applicants must also have excellent communication and organizational skills, and a strong attention to detail. They must also have a passion for the news and a desire to work to improve the way the news is delivered.

Why not apply for an externship and internship?

Dow Jones is a leader in global news and business information. Their products include The Wall Street Journal, DJX, Barron’s, All Things D, and Factiva. The company began as The Wall Street Journal in 1882 and today delivers news around the world through newspapers, websites, mobile phones, tablets, and feeds.  

The location VARIES.

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