NEIWPCC Internships

NEIWPCC Internships are available to college students interested in working in an outdoor environment and learning about water quality and safety. Interns will work as Lake Champlain Boat Launch Stewards from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Lake Champlain is a natural freshwater lake in North America, mainly within the borders of the states of Vermont and New York. Summer internship interns will be responsible for greeting visitors to Lake Champlain, gather lake-user information and even be trained to conduct vessel inspections. Interns work eight-hour days for approximately thirty-two hours per week at select boat launches around Lake Champlain.

Candidates for summer internships must have excellent communication skills, experience speaking with the public, the ability to collect data and record using a mobile tablet, familiarity with invasive species, and field work experience. Candidates will be comfortable working in the field and have the physical stamina to inspect trailered vessels.

The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission is a not-for-profit interstate agency that utilizes a variety of strategies to meet the water-related needs of our member states—Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. forming strong bonds between the New England and New York State environmental agencies, providing overall leadership in water management and protection.

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